Clothing Swap news

Hi everyone:
Just a reminder about the swap on April 11th (start cleaning those closets!) and we have a little news about volunteering for the swap.  If you don't have the previous email, you can see the guidelines on the blog at  Please feel free to email us at if you have any questions.
We're still looking for a few more volunteers and clothing donations.  We're going to try something new this spring. Those individuals who volunteer either the day of the event or help with tasks beforehand can bring their swap items in the day before (April10th) and swap them early.  You'll be able to go through the items that have been donated (and those from other volunteers) and exchange your items.  If you don't find anything you like, no problem.  You can still exchange your stuff at the swap on the 11th.  Of course, we'll need some good donations beforehand so ask around.  If your friends and neighbors aren't coming that day but have something they want to get rid of, we'll take it!
Please email if you're interested or have questions.  Looking forward to a great swap!

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